>>>Customize the Lock Screen you like, Launch the actions you need…quickly!
~~Please try the FREE VERSION before buying, some of the features may not be compatible to your device.
~~If you are upgrading from the FREE VERSION , please DISABLE or UNINSTALL the FREE one. else you will be running 2 LOCKERs at the same time.
~~If you are having any issue after update, please email me(i check daily) instead giving low rating.
=====Extra Features for Pro version: =====
1. Things you can see from the Lock Screen:
---RSS Feeds (CNN, BBC), Network Provider Name, Battery info..
---Calendar Events List Reminder..
2. Things you can customize on the Lock Screen
---Volume Rocker Control, long press to play/skip (next/prev) music.
---Screen Off Volume Skip (next/prev) music
---Locker screen sliding gesture actions with 4 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right)
---More than 10 custom shortcuts your can set to launch apps, direct call, direct sms
---RSS update interval and other settings
---PIN Unlock
---Clock background (Full transparent/Black transparent)
---Clock position set to left/center
---Font Styles, Font Colors
=====Features for Free version: =====
1. Things you can see from the Lock Screen:
---Time, Date, Day, Next Alarm
---Weather Information
---Media buttons (previous, play, pause, next), this automatically shows if you have a song playing..
---Missed calls, New SMS notice
2. Things you can customize on the Lock Screen
---Full Screen (hide the status bar...)
---Lock screen Wallpaper (Live wallpaper now supported)
---To show/hide missed calls contact, new sms contents
---Own custom icon selection
---Screen timeout
---Unlock sound, screen off sound
---Disabling Default Home Button function, Long press Home Button to launch recent apps
---Weather update interval and other settings
---And many other customizations
Change Logs:
-added: option to disable Locker when launching shortcut app from locker
-added: option to delay Locker activation time when screen off
-fixed: disabled recent task window button
added: An Arrow Icon drag-able at bottom if you dont wish to see the battery bar
-added: options to hide bottom bar lists(gmail,events,rss)
-added: options to select bottom bar notice text color
-added: bottom bar notices: "gmail","sms","call log","calendar event","rss"
-added: analog clock(center/left) options
-added: software license detection
-added: new set of shortcut icons
-added: backup & restore feature
-added: tips and tricks info.
-improved: locker UI
Download C Locker Pro apk